
Sharpen Your Senses Giveaway

Lovers, as a child I was forever using my multi-colored Sharpies for doodling hearts, stars, and daisies on my Converse sneakers when I was supposed to be listening to my Algebra teacher drone on about the FOIL Method; now, though my Algebra days are behind me, I find myself constantly scribbling away in the margins of my notebooks (you can take a peek at one of my very own doodle pages at left) – thus the reason I was thrilled when Sharpie offered to send me a wide selection of their latest and greatest writing utensils as part of their Start Something New with Sharpie blogging program (which I have already used to decorate everything in my path – from totes to tanks). Even better? They’ve offered to give one (1) lucky reader her very own set of Sharpies!

That’s right, my loves! Café Fashionista has teamed up with Sharpie to bring one (1) starving artist his or her very own selection of Sharpies – including the Stained by Sharpie Fabric Markers, Sharpie Pens, Sharpie Mini Permanent Markers (my personal favorite), Sharpie Highlighters, and Sharpie Liquid Pencils.

To Enter the Sharpen Your Senses Giveaway:

For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post stating how you let your creativity shine between now and Friday, October 14, 2011 at midnight PST.

For two (2) entries, Tweet about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post stating how you let your creativity shine between now and Friday, October 14, 2011 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL.

For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect, or Twitter @cafefashionista, and leave a comment on this post stating how you let your creativity shine between now and Friday, October 14, 2011 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment).

I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Saturday, October 15, 2011.

Good luck everyone!

This Giveaway is open to Everyone – U.S., Canadian, and International residents!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Sharpie for the picture.


ellie said...

Oh..my goodness! How fantastic. Sharpies are always great to make my CD mixes spectacular. Yeah, I'm old school..

ivy's closet said...

I'm so excited. Always great for so many things. I especially, like them to make funky mod letters.

lucy and sarah said...

Sharpie really knows how to let the creativity flow. Comic books have never been more fun to create..with the hint of a Sharpie.

Magatha-May said...

I'm already a google follower, and would love to win a host of sharpie goodies. I've just completed my research thesis in product design and haven't gotten the chance to draw or design in ages. I'd put those pens to good use by filling up a new notebook of ideas.

SB said...

I'm completely obsessed with Sharpies! I love how I can make boring jobs such as labeling boxes beautiful and colorful using sharpies! Plus I just use them to doodle!

creativefashionglee said...

Cute coloful pens. They remind me on how much I´ve become dependent on markers and colored pens to highlight the impostant tasks on my "to-do" blogging list.

Please enter me. I´m a follower of your blog.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Writing is my creativity!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I follow you.

Unknown said...

:O! *excited* Sharpies look so cool! I've always wanted to own a few. Thanks for the opportunity :}

I'm following you on twitter and gfc. @HuongLee_ and london's beauty. :}

Janelle said...

Look at you! Very artsy! I am a doodler too. I dabble in watercolor as well. I'm not great, but it's a fun outlet for creativity!

Nikolett said...

Such a cool giveaway! Sharpies are my best friend when it comes to making notes in class ... I can highlight important things AND make awesome doodles on the margins of my pages. And now that I'm helping out in an elementary classroom, we're using Sharpies all the time to make the walls colourful, which lets my creativity shine for sure :)

Emerie said...

Tweeted and Googled under vivalagenesis. ^_^

I'm such a pen/marker fanatic. I actually saw photos of a basement where the guy drew scenes all over the walls with Sharpies, and it looked incredible! Makes me want to make a fabulous Sharpie mural. XD

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm such a sharpie lover, this is a great giveaway Erika! Just looking at that aqua sharpie is making me happy :) Hope all is well--are you still having problems accessing my blog? I hope not. Well wishing you a wonderful start to the weekend!

xoxo Mary Jo

Unknown said...

Sharpies are awesome! I would probably do some illegal graffiti with them so getting them may not be a good idea, but I love them nonetheless.

modanista junkie said...

Awe this is amazing Erika!!! I love sharpies. I would totally use them for my Mel Made projects, and also make projects with my god-daughter.


modanista junkie said...

Tweeting about it now.
I would use them for my Mel Made projects and with my god-daughter.


modanista junkie said...

I'm already a fan and follower through google and twitter.

I would use these for my Mel Made projects and with my god-daughter.


Shelley Chen said...

loooooove sharpies! :) I like to write cute and pretty notes with them and put them around my house for inspiration :)

Stacey said...

I use planning out my outfits as an outlet for my creativity! :D

Stacey said...

following on twitter! @theotherpocket

Stacey said...


Shared here!

Dainty said...

Colors can make or create a mood. Vibrant colors can catch attention, project happy moods, or inspire creativity.

About Last Weekend said...

Love these Sharpies as long as i can keep them out of the kids' hands...

FashionJazz said...

Love sharpies! Would use them for my styling shoots and writing ideas :) Happy friday xx

Couture Carrie said...

What a fun giveaway, darling!
Winning some Sharpies might get me back to my sketchbook :)


Unknown said...

hehe LOVE sharpies!

Grace said...

I let my creativity shine through my blog! I follow you via Blogger, of course.

K said...

Haha, I'd probably get sharpie all over myself. But that's half the fun!

Anonymous said...

Such a creative giveaway! Gosh, I know someone who likes to draw on my leg..does that count???

nightowl said...

I like to draw to express my creativity.

winit6 at hotmail dot com

nightowl said...


winit6 at hotmail dot com

nightowl said...

I follow you on twitter.

Ashley said...

I love sharpies! I have an inspiration board that I change periodically to fit my current trends and as my creative outlet.

I follow you on Bloglovin!

♥ Donna Vitan said...

I love Sharpies. A lot.

I always have one in my purse, tote bag and gym bag. They're great for a quick hancock, marking your drink cup at a party, and writing on balls and Frisbees.

I would doodle loads with a rainbow of these. I would do them in the morning, afternoon, and evening. I'd sneak them in during a work meeting and create a colourful masterpiece worthy of inspiration!

I follow on Google Friend Connect and Twitter, @donnavitan. Tweeted here: https://twitter.com/#!/donnavitan/status/120151026543235072

Cheers and good luck to everyone!

Riv Re said...

Honestly? I can't draw a straight line. My creativity shines through my writing.
But I have some artsy friends who would love a gift like this. ;)
Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway!
GFC follower

elena bourboulit said...

oooh im a fashion designer and i always have some with me..as a colour lover,use them on my sketchbook makes me smile! im a new blogger and i would be happy if you could be my first follower! much love!


Cafe Pasadena said...

Somehow I missed this post. I luv Sharpie's!

Diana said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to use these for cardmaking and scrapbooking...love the colors. Hope you have a great day sweets! <3

Diana said...

I RT this giveaway under AllWomenStalk twitter <3 we also follow you on there!

Diana said...

LOVE YOUR BLOG AND YOU!! <3 Following your blog!

Rhian said...

I'm doing several DIY projects for my wedding these next few weeks!

Islandia Lane said...

aww LOVE this! I was the same in high school - doodling on my converse always except just in black but all these colors now - adore. Also being all grown up and working 9-5, I have three little tealight holders on my desk where I keep my mini colored sharpies ;-)

J-ezzy said...

creativity shining? doing my own gelish manicure at home!

J-ezzy said...

i'm a google reader follower!

Aly said...

I love Sharpies! Anything that adds a little bit of color to notes and to-do lists is always a plus in my book!

Aly said...

I follow you trough GFC and on twitter (@bowniesandbows)

Stylista Fitness said...

I use different pen colors at work to let me creativity shine!

weeziestoy said...

I am a dooler....love those sharpies

weeziestoy said...


weeziestoy said...


weeziestoy said...

I am a friend on GFC and twitter....weeziestoy

Carol Klapat said...

I let my creativity shine when doing art projects with my son. Everything is so new and amazing to him! Gotta love it!
Thanks for the chance to win the Sharpie gift pack. Sounds wonderful!

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