
Yves Saint Laurent and Apothica Love You Giveaway

My loves, Yves Saint Laurent himself once said “The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.” And thus, he created a conglomerate of Couture Cosmetics ranging from nail lacquers and lip glosses to mascaras and fragrances – all of which one can easily obtain from Apothica; the place where one (1) of you lucky ladies will soon be visiting for un petit shopping spree.

Yes darlings; Café Fashionista has teamed up with SkinCareRX and Apothica to bring one (1) ravishing reader a $50.00 Gift Certificate to Apothica wherein you can splurge on any skin care, hair care, or cosmétique that tickles your fancy.

To Enter the Yves Saint Laurent and Apothica Love You Giveaway:

Become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect/Twitter (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment) between now and Friday, November 5, 2010 at Midnight PST.

Leave a comment on this post listing each form of entry you have participated in between now and Friday, November 5, 2010 at Midnight PST.

Extra Entries (There Is a Total of 13 Entries for This Giveaway):

Become a fan of Apothica on Facebook between now and Friday, November 5, 2010 at Midnight PST – 1 Entry

Follow SkinCareRX on Twitter between now and Friday, November 5, 2010 at Midnight PST – 1 Entry

Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter between now and Friday, November 5, 2010 at Midnight PST – 2 Entries

Opt-in to the Apothica Newsletter (located on the bottom of their website) between now and Friday, November 5, 2010 at Midnight PST – 2 Entries

Write a blog post with a link directed to the specified brand – Yves Saint Laurent
Must have a minimum of 100 words and use the anchor text Yves Saint Laurent and link it to in your post.

I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Saturday, November 6, 2010.

Good luck everyone!

And yes, this giveaway is open to everyone – U.S. or International residents!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Apothica for the pictures.


Collette Osuna said...

Hi sweetie!! Great little giveaway....Im a follower:)

Have a super dooper Friday doll:)

Enter my awesome Tulle giveaway♥

paislea said...

oooh! i'm a follower! count me in erika!!

allister bee

paislea said...

i tweeted!!

allister bee

paislea said...

following on twitter!!

allister bee

vdcouture said...

i love ysl <3


LahTeaDah said...


Im a Follower of yours! Yah!
Lets hope I win - my make-up bag could sure use it :)

Yours Truly

PS: Dont forget to make your way to my lovely blog - I have a giveaway going on too!

Rae said...

You know, I was just thinking that for my birthday I should treat myself to a cosmetics shopping spree and refresh my collection...

I'm already a loving follower of your blog <3
I'm following Skincarerx1 on twitter...
Having been introduced to Apothica (thank you) I have subscribed to their newsletter and I liked them on facebook!

That's it for now, thank you for all the amazing giveaways! It's very fun :)

LahTeaDah said...


I "like" Apothica on Facebook!!!

Yours Truly

Oh to Be a Muse said...

i follow your blog on blogger and i like Apothica on FB.

great giveaway!

LahTeaDah said...


I am a follower of "skincarerx" on Twitter!

Yours Truly

LahTeaDah said...


I tweet tweet tweeted about you and your lovely giveaway!!

Yours Truly

...okay now I better get to work :) TeeHee


I follow you on Twitter and Google Reader =)

Natasha said...

I follow you on Twitter already. I hope you have a great day and I hope you're getting something out of these giveaways. Ta-ta, sweets.

Rocio said...

So excited about this! OK let's see... I follow you on blogger: and on I'll retweet this too=)

Faith J. said...

I am a follower on Blogger! Love YSL nail polish!

Good luck all!

Faith J. said...

I signed up for the Apothica newsletter!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

great giveaway Erika! have a wonderful weekend darling! xo

Jamie said...

You know I'm a follower! xox

Grace said...

Sounds like a lovely giveaway. :) I'm a follower, of course!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oooh fun! I want to win and I am of course a follower!

Unknown said...

Amazing giveaway!!! :) Have a great weekend!

ellie said...

This is so sweet! Beautiful giveaway.

Unknown said...

Hi Erika! Yay great giveaway & I'm a follower of course! Hope you are enjoying this autumn. Have a wonderful weekend!
xoxo Mary Jo

Isabeau Jane said...

wow YSL! ^^

im a follower of yours through google connect

im a fan of apothica under the name Isabeau Jane Salvatore St-Pierre

followed SkinRX and tweeted about the giveaway here:

and subscribed to apothica's newsletter under the email

For the win! ^^

The ViXeN's LaiR

Anna Grostina said...

I would like to have that lip gloss. :D x

Shooting Stars Mag said...

ooh lovely. i follow via gfc.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

The Trendy Fashionista said...

Ummm... I love that lip gloss!

-The Trendy Fashionista

Ezzy said...

wow great giveaway !! I'm following your blog through Google Friend Connect !!


Ezzy said...

following SkinCareRX on twitter @lilofeverything


Ezzy said...

tweeted about it here:-


Ezzy said...

Also signed up for Apothica's newsletter on their website :)


Couture Carrie said...

Fab giveaway, darling!


Shop N' Chomp said...

Yes, yes, yes! Please count me in. XD

Dina's Days said...

How could I not enter?! I am a follower of course.

Dina's Days said...

And..tweeted the giveaway

joei ♥ said...

great giveaway!
(and good idea of including international residents ;))

definitely, maybe

Unknown said...

I'm a follower thru google friend connect

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter!

Unknown said...

I follow you thru blog lovin

molly said...

Such an awesome giveaway!

meg said...

This give away will be here before we know it. Sounds fantasitic.

ivy's closet said...

Oh my...what a cool giveaway. I'll try to post about it.

Unknown said...

A follower here! :)

Happy weekend!

jc said...

I'd love to get some YSL's perfume if I win. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, I follow via gfc.

Sara Lee Bentley said...

Hi! I'm already a follower -- please add my name to the hat :)

p.s. have a great weekend!!

emiliana said...

i follow you on twitter as @millette05


emiliana said...

i follow skincarerx on twitter as @millette05


emiliana said...

liked apothica on facebook
FB name: emiliana sison

Audrey Allure said...

I'm a follower!

Great giveaway! :)


Hi :) Just followed you ! Really love your blog ! x

Saretta said...

I follow you on GFC!

Saretta said...

I follow skincarerx1 on twitter!

Saretta said...

I tweeted about this giveaway.

Bree said...

I follow your blog!

Bree said...

I follow Apothica on Fbook!

Tina B. said...

Follower of Cafe Fashionista via GFC: Tina Renee Barker

Tina B. said...

following Cafe Fashionista on twitter @warp65

Tina B. said...

Apothica Facebook fan: Tina Renee Barker

Tina B. said...

following SkinCareRX on twitter @warp65

Tina B. said...


Tina B. said...


Tina B. said...

Opted-in to the Apothica Newsletter!
treneebarker at hotmail dot com

Tina B. said...

Opted-in to the Apothica Newsletter!
treneebarker at hotmail dot com

Kari said...

Looove this Giveaway!!!

I'm definitely a follower of your lovely blog!! <3 How could anyone not be!?

I really really want to win so I became a fan of Apothica on facebook, followed SkinCareRX on Twitter, tweeted about this amazing giveaway and opted- in for the Apotha Newsletter!!

Can you tell I really want to stock up on cute little goodies?!

Joanna Lim said...

*posting a comment! ^^
*follower on blogger/google reader/google friend connect/twitter :)
*fan of apothica on fb! :)
*following skincarerx on twitter! :)

Olivia said...

-I became a follower of Café Fashionista on blogger & twitter
-became a fan of apothica on facebook
-followed skincareRX on twitter
-tweeted about this competition
-opt-in for the newsletter
-wrote a blog post..

rebecca said...

i follow!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

Pheona said...

I followed on twitter and liked on facebook =)

becky said...

i follow!
boon1211 at gmail dot com

Laura said...

What a fabulous giveaway!

I already follow you (because you are tres magnifique) on GFC and twitter)

Laura said...

I follow apothica on facebook

Laura said...

I am a follower of skincarerx on twitter

Laura said...

I tweeted:

Anonymous said...

I'm a blog follower.

fan of Apothica - Jenna O

Follow SkinCareRX on Twitter @halfbluesky


Alexis Renee said...

Great givaway girl!
I've followed on twitter and facebook and tweeted about this lovely giveaway! Good luck to all other entrants!

Oh, My Darling said...

I follow your blog! Awesome giveaway! omydarlingblog(at)gmail(dot)com

Also, following SkinCarRX on twitter @ohmydarlingblog

Anonymous said...

Hi, I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect as shala_darkstone.
I'm a fan of Apothica on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
I follow SkinCareRX on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).
Here's my tweet -
I signed up for the Apothica Newsletter.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

SolDucky said...

I am a follower via GFC!
Apothica FB fan sarah linette.
Skincarerx Twitter follower duckybunny.
Apothica newsletter subscriber too!

L A C E Y said...

i'm a follower! thanks for the giveaway!

Jane Hee said...

I'm a follower via gfc - wendy

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

I'm a fan of Apothica on Facebook
- Rose Wendy

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

Follow SkinCareRX on Twitter - @yeahww

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...


luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...


luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

Signed up for Apothica Newsletter

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

Signed up for Apothica Newsletter

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

blog post

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

blog post

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

blog post

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

blog post

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Jane Hee said...

blog post

luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Hi! I follow you on GFC as joanne.j
I'm not sure how to get 13 entries but I'm gonna do all the extra entries too!

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Joanne Anne like Apothica on Facebook

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

@joannej1982 follow SkinCareRX on Twitter

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...


joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...


joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

I already subscribed to Apothica Newsletter!

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

I already suubscribed to Apothica Newsletter

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Blogged #1

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Blogged #2

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Blogged #3

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Blogged #4

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Blogged #5

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Joanne J said...

Blogged #6

joanne.j at hotmail dot com

Deanna said...

I follow on Blogger and fabulous giveaway! :)


+1 I'm a fan of Apothica on Facebook.

+1 I follow SkinCareRX on Twitter as "calidreamin87"

+2 Tweeted about the giveaway:!/calidreamin87/status/767792370425856

+2 I'm signed up for the Apothica Newsletter.

Ľubaša said...

I follow your blog
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Health India said...

Hey i do read your blog whenever i get time because it's quite nice to read.

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