Though the Promiscuous pretties feature a slightly shorter shaft than the Weitzman wonders; at just $143.00, in comparison to the $595.00 price tag of the Weitzman’s, they are every bit as capable of adding a splash of rebelliousness to your look du jour, at a price that you simply can’t resist!
Is today the day for you to please the big spender within; or will you play it cool and be thrifty?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Zappos for the pictures.
Don't forget to enter the Stupid Cupid Giveaway for your chance to win a copy of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s The Day I Shot Cupid.
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I'd be more than happy to save in this situation and pocket the extra $450 for incredible fall fashion to wear with the boots!
Hope you've been well, love!
I want either but I would probably buy the cheaper ones. I have a strong personal weakness for boots. Can't wait to wear them again!
AMAZING find!!!!!
&& thanks for the lovely comment as always! <3
I'll play it cool and be thrifty, leaving room to consider adding to the boot collection. I'm loving the shift to fall styles happening now.
I think I would have to go with The Stuart Weitzman's this time. They form fit the leg and go over the knee a bit better.
YAY! i'm so glad that you're featuring some lovely and oh so sexy flat shoes! hahhhh.
i hope you're having an excellent weekend!
Those almost look identical to me! I'll go for the cheaper price tag, although with this weather all I'm thinking about are sandals haha. Hope you've had a great weekend Erika!
Okay, these two look almost exactly alike. I know that Stuart's shoes are usually so comfy so that may be the only difference nonetheless I am rolling with the cheaper boot!
I'm going with big spender on this one. I need a pair of cute boots!
The Promiscuous ones are still a little more than I'd want to pay, but certainly a better deal than the Stuart Weitzmans.
Yes, I would def go with the Promiscuous boots instead of the Weitzman pair! =D
So great!
High boots are so fantastic. Wearing them again is what I'm looking forward to for when winter comes (which I hope WONT be for a while).
I definitely prefer the Stuart Weitzman ones.
Wow--those look SO similar. You always amaze me with these finds. If I were gonna buy a pair of sky high boots like this, I'd totally go for the cheaper ones!
Hey Erika, guess what??? YOU WON MY GIVEAWAY!!
Shoot me an e-mail and I will give you next steps!
I would go for the shorter one...since I'm short.
wow, love these! I could go for the cheaper version..which might not be that cheap..for me, anyway. A great find!
Oh wow! Nice cool cheaper version!
Ooh! I hate to admit but I love the SW version better. But I won't be buying boots any time soon.
xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com
thank you for the lovely comment on my new pictures!!!
you are too sweet!
Amazing find, darling!
Love those Promiscuous boots!
Perfect find, as always! I would SO go thrifty on these -- I like to save on trendier items.
xo Josie
perfect find as always.... i would go shorter!
I would love to own a pair of SW boots, I'm all about thrifty today! I have been hunting for a low heel black boot and these may just fit the bill!
I definitely like the Promiscuous ones better, and not just for the price!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
I need a pair of boots like this for fall...would have to go for the less expensive ones though!
that looks great! when worn, we probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. :D
<3, Mimi
Those from Stuart Weitzman look so much better.The price is not justified,though.
Thank you,Erika! :D
I can't believe how identical these two are! I'd deff go for the cheaper ones!
I like the two-tone finish on both but I would go for the ones on the right.
Loving the boots
So very pretty!
♥ Leia
I need elegant flat boots for the next seasons. :)
Oh, these are incredibly similar to a pair I have. In any case, if I had to buy one, I'd go for the cheaper pair too...
uhoh i like the weitzman's better!
Thank you dear friend for your kind words!
I just love being blog pals with you. You are such a creative person. You make fashion fun and affordable.
I have to comment here and say that last season I splurged (my mom and aunt were with me and convinced me) and I bought the SW 50/50 boots here in Boston. One of the best purchases I have ever made. And, my sister in law went and bought them too. But she got hers on a a MAJOR sale at Nordstrom (I think).
Oh, boots! I ADORE boots and I'm in such a boot mood right now despite the 100 degree temps outside the comfort of my air conditioner! These are both great picks!
Oh my gosh! I have boots just like these!!!
Yay Win!!!!
Love you Erika dearest!
These are both beautiful pairs of boots. If I was buying a pair for somebody, I would have to buy the cheaper ones.
Great find, Erika! I'll be thrifty and go with the cheaper pair. They look just as good!
It woudl be all about the fit for me - but woudl love to be able to get the less expensive pair! (-:
I really, really like these!! Great look for less find...may need to be on my fall wish list :)
I still don't have any over the knee boots and I need some! These are definitely a must buy for me this fall. I love both pair, but would definitely go budget on these.
You've got me with the spendy pair this time. WANT them!
Oh la la, very nice! I would love to wear these in the fall!
great find!! i love them & want them !!! these are the perfect "boots" i m in love <3
great post!!
great find!! i love them & want them !!! these are the perfect "boots" i m in love <3
great post!!
the cheaper version all the way! :)
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