
Cafe Fashionista Featured in US Airways Magazine

Back in November of 2009 I was contacted by a fellow blogger, requesting that I be a part of their coffee guest post series. The result was my ode to New York City coffee shops entitled Sipping in the City. While expected to be a one-time venture, I enjoyed the process of putting a post together on such a topic so much, that I created the Cruisin’ Cafes series right here on Café Fashionista. While no longer an active weekly feature, the memory of Cruisin’ Cafes will forever live on; especially since one of the pieces written for said column, was recently published in the April 2010 issue of US Airways Magazine.

The holiday festivities had only just ended, when I received an e-mail from Melissa Byrd, the Senior Editor of US Airways, requesting if she could publish Crusin’ Cafes: Paris France, my tribute to tres chic cafes located in the city of light; of course, I accepted (after approximately 25 minutes of jumping up and down screaming “I’m dying!” at the top of my lungs, mind you).

US Airways is full of articles written by the hands of novelists, doctors, lawyers, World Record Holders, and the like; so being in such good, creative company was a thrill in itself. But seeing the final piece in all of its published glory has left me beaming from ear to ear. As US Airways Magazine is exclusive to those flying upon US Airways, I am scanning the piece on here (click the images to enlarge them!); but who knows, perhaps one day you will be aboard a flight, and you’ll see a copy nestled in the seat pocket right in front of you – and if you do, pick it up and give it a browse, for it is chockfull of fabulous pieces that span everything from books to business, travel to history, and everything in between!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to US Airways for the magazine scans, and Tiffany Sorocco (my sister) for the picture of me in the sunnies.

Don't forget to enter the Ring Around the Rosie Giveaway for your chance to win a Sterling Silver Trinity Ring with Pink Swarovski Crystals from Jewels of Denial.


Melanie's Randomness said...

Well Congratulations!! =) That's awesome to be featured!!

Amber said...

very cool Erika!! Congratulations!

Francy said...

How exciting!! Congrats, lady!

Rock Couture said...

Holy sh*t... Congrats Big Hugs and Kisses xoxoxoxoxo

Jolie said...

I am so thrilled for you! Erika, you are an amazing writer and you will only asked to do more articles in the future and have them published! Congrats Darlin!

Jamie said...

You are a rockstar!!! Good for you sweetie!! You have an upbeat energy that is contagious and it should be sprinkled around the world! :):)

J. said...

Wow, congratulations, so well deserved! You're a wonderful writer and I know this will be the beginning of many for you!

Midnight Cowgirl said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

Roxanne said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations! Travelers around the world are in for a treat! xo

Erin said...

This is awesome! I've always loved your Cruisin' Cafes posts and I love that now others will get to enjoy it too. :-) Congrats!

Midtown Girl said...

You are just too fabulous darling Erika - SUPER PROUD OF YOU!!! said...

Congratulation, dearest Erika! U are the best!

Scientific Housewife said...

That's amazing, congrats!

Leah said...

I'm so proud of you Erika... you have made it!!! xoxo

Connie @ Sogni e Sorrisi said...

Oh my gosh! How amazing! CONGRATS!!!

little luxury list said...

Congrats dearest! You are a rock star as always. So when you're world famous, you'll still hang out with me in NYC right? Or somewhere in Asia - thinking of going to Bali soon!


Congratulations! You better celebrate Erika. You are such a fantastic writer. xo

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

That is so cool! Congrats!

Tiffany Kadani said...

You are so amazing! Is it weird that if I were on an airplane and I saw this I would tell my seat partner, "I totally know her!"?? Cuz I totally would. Congrats! You so deserve your next interview to either be in Travel or Vogue.

Arushi Khosla said...

Geesh lady, you keep getting more and more fabulous everytime I return to CF! CONGRATS, E!!! :D *cyber hug* You deserve it!

Josie said...

THIS IS SO EXCITING! Congratulations, love!
xxoo Josie

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Erika,
Félicitations! This is fabulous news, the article was well written, and you've given me a few places to visit here in Paris.
Good evening,

ediot said...

what an honor to be featured like that -and to be able to participate like you got to. im so proud of you babe! congrats!! have an wonderful day love.

xx ediot

Sara said...

Erika! Congrats!! I am so excited for you, that is so cool, you are amazing, stay that way!! :D :D

Anonymous said...

oh my!! that is so exciting!!
i'd love one day to be noticed for my blogging like that.
you must be so proud!!

Charlotte xxx

Rachel Scarlet said...

Oh Erika! I'm so proud of you! Congratz dear! :)


Alicia Lund said...

yay!! congrats to you! that is so exciting! :) you're a great writer, so i'm not surprised in the least bit. i'm sure this is just one published article of many many more to come!!

Diane said...

this is so cool :)

The Blonde Duck said...

How cool! Kudos for you!

Let's celebrate over tacos and margaritas! I shall introduce you to Mexican food!

Shop N' Chomp said...

Congrats Erika! This is awesome. =D

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Congrats, doll! xo

Cat said...

Even though I am at work right now...I still made an little "eeeppsss!" for you! Way to go...congrats! :)

Anonymous said...


Style, via Tia said...

Wow that is so awesome. Congrats!

so cool!!!

Elizabeth Marie said...

WHAT WHAT?! OMG SO PROUD OF YOU!! This is incredible!! xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

wow, this is so cool! congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Coolest thing ever! Congratulations, Erika =]

Joanne said...

I am so raising my coffee cup in a heartfelt toast of congratulations! Kudos to you, I can see why US Airways liked that piece. Your coffee shop posts are full of charm and atmosphere that places the reader right in the shop. Enjoy!

Anna Katrina said...

thats awesome congrats girl!!

Anna Katrina

Elly said...

How exciting! Congratulations, dear! :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Oh yay! Congrats, sweetie. This is AWESOME news!!! Woo hoo!

Maddy said...

This is AH-mazing, love!!!!! I can't believe it! I'm so happy the people in the "friendly skies" will be introduced to the awesomeness that is you!Congratulations!! You so deserve all your success!

Elaine said...

Ahh!!!!!!! That's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! :D

Enter to win a William Riera dress!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, that is HUGE. I see big things for you lady. Congrats!

Denisa L said...

congrats sweetie, me so happy for you!
totally deserve it!!

Unknown said...

wow great news you are in magazine

lets celebrate this moment

have fun ,
i am so happy for u

Anonymous said...

great congratulations, so far you achieved

that great i wanna read tat article hope i will read soon

Tights Lover said...

Wow, that is so amazing, congratulations! I always loved your cruisin' cafes posts...and not just because you hit my hometown with one of them!

ellie said...

Congrads! Go you!..can't wait for more adventures.

Jen said...

How WONDERFUL! Erika, I'm so pleased for you. You're a fabulous writer and no one deserves it more! Huge congrats.


PS - I got my package safe and sound the other day - I love it! Especially the adorable lipstick sweetie! :) x

Islandia Lane said...

so awesome! congrats to you!!

Glam Girl said...

Congratulation, U have an awsome blog!

Posh Peach said...

How amazing!!! SO happy and excited for you. You go girl!!

Cindy Whitehead said...

Erika that is so awesome!! Congratulations. You are an amazing writer and I love your blog posts.

lily said...

wow, thats so great about the article. thank you for reading too.

Maria at Bachman's Sparrow said...

Omgosh! What an honor! That is so cool Erika, you go girl!

xoxo Maria

L said...

WOW this is amazing!! Congratulations Erika! I am not in the least bit surprised though, your blog reads wonderfully, I know more opportunities like this are sure to come for you :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, that's amazing! Congratulations, go you!

kknelson2 said...

Ahhhh that's so exciting!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness how amazing!Congratulation. p.s. the whole screaming "im dying" thing was too funny!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Congratulations, Erika! I've been thinking for a while that you should expand your lovely Cruisin Cafés series... Little did I know that you've covered Paris already.

Mara said...

aw yay!! congrats Erika! So proud of you :) You must be ecstatic !

Clare said...

Erika! You...are...a...ROCKSTAR!!! Seriously, you are so so sooo talented!!

Rick said...

Erika! You Rock!!! Congrats and I am very happy for you! :)

The WOW Series said...

Congrats!!! Hotness :)

Nicole Marie said...

how exciting!!!!!!! congrats !!! that's amazing!!!

Emily said...

congrats!! that is HUGE, Erika :)

Meg said...

Wow, congratulations on being featured!

Unknown said...

That's so awesome! Congratulation!!!! You definitely deserve all the recognition you get.

Btw... how come you didn't end up buying that Free People Lace Tunic?

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

That is absolutely awesome! I am SO happy for you. Very much deserved! I am so excited for you =)

Dina's Days said...


THIS IS INCREDIBLE! I am so beyond happy for you. I would have freaked out if I was just sitting on the plane browsing through that and seeing your name.

You deserve it Erika.

K said...

Congratulations on being published! I hope this opens lots of doors for you.

Fashion Court said...

OMG, that's so exciting! congrats, darling - you deserve it! xo

Cafe Observer said...

Ditto de above commentators, and Congrats!

Now, you're making the big bucks!

Leia said...

oh my gosh Erika! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...


Nathalie said...

Congrats to you!! This is absolutely wonderful :)

Brenda Evans said...

congratulations ,dear! :D

p.s check out my new post

Sherin said...

OMG, Thats so amazingly cool!! Yay: congratulations!

Anonymous said...

This so great to read about. Made me smile.

Christina Lee said...

VERY COOL!!!! GO, you!

J. said...

Thats great! Congratulations! You really deserve that, and any future success coming your way! :)

Susu Paris Chic said...

Chocolate-flavored congratulations my dear! And you know what... You just managed to present coffee shops that I had never known or heard about - to me, a fervent café-checking out 'Parisienne' chick. I'll get my heels going and try one 'Salon' out asap!

Luna said...


c.a. Marks said...


Fashion By He said...

congrats thats aamzing!! blog is really blowing up!!


Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

That is so exciting! Congrats, Erika! :)

Embodying Fashion said...

Congratulations Erika, you are an amazing writer, blogger and fashionista! xo

maddy said...

Congrats Erika!!!! This is fabulous! :D

Cheers to your success!

stay classy,

c.a. Marks said...

Oh, and by the way, I plan on flying on July so I think I'll go look up US Airways airfares. :-)

Shelley said...

I found you via this magazine last weekend. : )

Alecia @ Hoobing Family Adventures said...

Very exciting! Congratulations!

glee said...

I'm so happy for you girl. You are an amzing writer and a real talent. This is just the beginning... I can feel it. Congratulations! :)

karen said...

to follow the footsteps ahead of me... congratulations, that is such an exciting moment!

Robyn said...


ALSO, I almost had a heart attack when I read this posts. US Airways' editorial office is in Greensboro, NC, near where I went to university, so I actually interned there for a semester. I remember Melissa and I was always blown away by what fantastic and diverse articles they had in that magazine. It's really a pleasure to read! I mostly cut my teeth doing research and writing some Internet-only content.

Basically, my point is, I'm proud of you AND I'm proud of US Airways magazine for picking such a great topic for a feature! That's very exciting!


la petite fashionista said...

OMG ERIKA. i just saw this. how freaking amaazing! your'e a celebrity!! :) i always loved your cruisin cafe posts

Bellas Shelf said...

I know I am LATE, but this is beyond AMAZING Erika! Congrats :)

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