
Fashionista in the Kitchen Giveaway

I really don’t know about all of you, but the moment fall rolls around I have one thing on my mind, and one thing only; and that, darlings, is food. There’s something about the crisp autumn weather that instantly makes me think of home-cooked meals that are hearty and yummy. I blame it on the sheer fact that so many activities that take place during the fall season revolve around food. We have trips to the pumpkin patch and the apple orchard; trick or treating dressed in kitschy costumes where we literally beg for sugary surprises from strangers; and, above all else, the Thanksgiving feast. But I digress, once such festivities are over we always manage to find ourselves the victims of too tight jeans and frumpy feelings and thoughts. To Mireille Guiliano, such things are repulsive and frowned upon. In her world, such musings do not cross one’s mind, for she knows the proper way to eat your heart out and still feel fabulous. And she wants to teach you how to do the same. You knew it was coming, I’m sure…Café Fashionista has teamed up with Vintage Books to bring three (3) ravenous readers the chance to fill up on recipes galore from a true Parisian via French Women Don’t Get Fat a true essential for the fashionista who counts herself as both a Francophile and a foodie. To enter the Fashionista in the Kitchen Giveaway: For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, November 19, 2009 at midnight PST. For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, November 19, 2009 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL. For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, November 19, 2009 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment). I will randomly pick one name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Friday, November 20, 2009. Good luck everyone! And yes, this Giveaway is open to everyone – U.S. or International residents! Fashionably yours! Thanks to The Tao of Jaklumen and Flickr for the pictures.


Keith said...

Hey Erika. Great giveaway. I might be a guy, but I'd still love to read that book. I think about food all the time, especially during the holiday season. Have a fantastic weekend. Cheers!

daisychain said...

Ohh yay,

I'm a follower :)

Daydream Believer said...

I think you should pick the name out of a beret instead! :-) Remember, I'm a follower, too!! I've been tempted to buy this book a dozen times. Please let me win! :-) Enjoy your weekend!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

This sounds like a great book! I went to Amazon to read more about it. Some of the recipes listed there sound delicious! :)

michelle_ said...

woot for the giveaway !
i already have this book though . i just took it as a fun reading . nothing to serious or anything like that :D
but it's actually quite good !

oh and totally love those mu miu knockoffs ! thanks for the info !

and thx for following .
am gonna follow ur blog too :)

JennieDang said...

I'm soooooo happy this giveaway is happening! Thanks :D I'm a follower too!

Leah said...

Please let me win Erika, pretty please. I want that book.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Nice giveaway- I am curious about this book!

I am a follower :) And will tweet this ....right now!

miriam said...

what a fantastic give away, CF!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

yay! I'd love to win, Erika! I lost 40 pounds last year and I would love to continue like this... but really need new recipes!
have a wonderful weekend! xo

grace said...

i want to win becuase i love food...

and i'm a follower :-)

thanks for the opportunity!

Winnie said...

Looks like a fun book! Great give away!

KP said...

this is so fun-I love the French girl animation too xo

Elizabeth Marie said...

I am in it to win it! I have been wanting to get this book so badly! YES!!

Ohhh and my love...I would follow you anywhere! :)


Looks like a great book. I love food. I am already a follower too! YAY! xoxo


Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous giveaway, darling!
Hope you have an amazing weekend!


M said...

I love food too... unfortunately. My problem is I don't cook, so I basically live on fruit, veggies and crackers. I could certainly use some inspiration in the kitchen!

Also, I'm already a follower of your blog but I don't do Twitter - Blogger and FB are distracting enough for me! Have a great weekend! :)

The Blonde Duck said...

I've heard magical things about this book!

Rachel Scarlet said...

Following all the way~ Great one Erika :)

Sherin said...

What a fun giveaway. I love reading as well. And I'm also a follower.

Caramell said...

what a pity I'm not french- polish cuisine is really tasty but makes me fat, let us only wait and people will roll me on the ground like a ball :D

Fashion Court said...

i'm a follower! :o)

Fashion Court said...

i'm a follower! :o)

Style, via Tia said...

Great giveaway and I agree when fall arrives all i think about is pie apple pie!

www.janetteria.com said...

I'm follewer of course! So fun!


Tights Lover said...

That looks like a great book. I love French-inspired cooking!

English Rose ♥ said...

love love love this blog im so glad i stumbled across it, i agree with everything you wrote in your profile as well

andddd i have been a lifelong francophile

im so becoming a follower

check out my blog:


Dina's Days said...

Great giveaway! I would love to read this book! I'm a follower on google ..count me in!

Closet Cravings said...

Another fabulous giveaway. I always want to eat during this time of the year. Warm, fresh baked cookies, hearty soups and delicious sammies. I'm getting hungry right now thinking about it.

Tweeted about this giveaway. =)

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

Gorgeous post - yet again!! I have the day diary planner -french women for all seasons. It is full of yummy recipes! I LOVE food, and its one of my favourite things in life! Take pleasure in your food people!


B a la Moda said...

Oh, yeah! I need food too, right now. I follow your through Bloglovin which is the best way for me. I just Tweet about this give away. By the way, am I following you on Twitter? I have to check!

B* a la Moda

Leia said...

What a fab giveaway! I'm already a faithful follower, as you know :) and I am about to tweet about the giveaway now! I've actually heard about this book and have been dying to get my hands on it!

Intrinsically Florrie said...

Oh what a lovely giveaway. :)

Florrie x

Sam said...

Super giveaway!! Thank you!

Blair said...

Ive never heard about that book, but it sounds great! Well, I also love food.

Suburban prep said...

There is a secret to staying thin or getting there? Please let me in on it.
smgb245 at gmail dot com

chic femme said...

Hey, Erika! What a great giveaway. I am such a foodie. :) There is nothing better than finding comfort in some amazing dishes of food. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, doll. :)

Jennifer Fabulous said...

This is SUCH a fabulous giveaway! Of course I am a follower. :)
I don't want to be fat, so I really want this book. LOL!

Jessica said...

I'd love to win here's hoping!

Jessica said...

I'm a blog follower, fingers crossed that the extra entry helps!

meraldia said...

I am a Francophile as well, Erika! I hope I will win this giveaway!

Stylista Fitness said...

Love this book! I want it :)

Stylista Fitness said...


Stylista Fitness said...

follow you on bloglovin: liis177 at hotmail dot com

Becky Tjandera said...

it seems like a nice book ! i'm excited ! count me in ! :D i'm a follower . and you can see the tweet : http://twitter.com/beckyregina/status/5704862436

have a nice weekend !

Arushi Khosla said...

The only thing I can cook is...a sandwich. Ha, so I guess that's not technically cooking.
Clearly, I need the book.

Obv, I'm a follower, lady! XO

Emily said...

i've heard of this book before!

I'm a follower :)

Jenny said...

Oh please please let me be the lucky one to receive such a cute gift. I promise to eat better if I do!


mina said...

yay for giveaways

Elizabeth Marie said...

I forgot to tell you...I twittered. On Saturday. :) Does that even matter? Oh and I love you lots. XO

Anonymous said...

I have done all three!

I commented.
I tweeted @cookveganlover
I follow on bloglines

Barb said...

I've done all three!

Here's your comment!
I tweeted (@barbbarbbarb)
I just started following you on google reader!

lucia said...

I have done all three

Kim Jackson said...

What girl doesn't want to be able to eat her heart out AND not get fat?! Count me in! I am tweeting as we speak.

KristinaLee said...

Oooh I would love to read this book!! Mmmmm...food.

And I twittered..... @never_mind_

See? I really want this book.

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